At Florida Pest Pros, we pride ourselves on being the foremost experts in Wood Destroying Organisms (WDO) Real Estate Inspections. Whether you find yourself in the position of a buyer, seller, or realtor, our comprehensive Termite Inspection and Treatment services are designed to ensure a sound and efficient transaction.

We understand the intricate nature of real estate dealings, especially with the numerous tasks that need completion before a closing. The last thing anyone wants is a stalled closing due to a late or incomplete Wood Destroying Organisms inspection. That’s where our dedicated team comes in. Our WDO inspectors are not just professionals; they are state-certified experts with over 10 years of experience in the Pest Control industry. Their expertise guarantees a meticulous inspection process, providing quick assessments for both drywood and subterranean termites. The result is accurate reports that serve as a solid foundation for your real estate transactions.

What Does the Inspection Look Like?

In the event that a wood-destroying organism is detected during the reporting process, our inspectors go beyond merely identifying the issue. They offer detailed information and present quick and easy solutions tailored to your customer’s needs. We understand the urgency and significance of addressing such concerns promptly in the real estate context.

Moreover, we specialize in providing second opinions and pride ourselves on being readily available to address any questions or concerns that you or your clients may have. At Florida Pest Pros, our mission is to bring peace-of-mind to Realtors by ensuring that Wood Destroying Organisms inspections are not just completed but are done so accurately, efficiently, and with a commitment to excellence. Don’t compromise on the integrity of your real estate transactions – choose Florida Pest Pros for thorough and reliable WDO inspections.

Schedule a Free, No Obligation Evaluation

When you schedule a FREE, no-obligation evaluation with us, we delve into the specific pest-related challenges you’re encountering. Through this initial step, we gain valuable insights that pave the way for a tailored Systematic Pest Management solution.

Have any questions? Contact Us